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Rule of 40

The Rule of 40 is a metric used to evaluate the health of a SaaS business by measuring the balance between growth and profitability.

Understanding the Rule of 40

The Rule of 40 is a metric used to evaluate the health of a SaaS business by measuring the balance between growth and profitability. It states that a SaaS company's revenue growth rate and profit margin should add up to at least 40%. In other words, a SaaS business can prioritize growth over profitability, but only to a certain extent.

Origins of the Rule of 40

The Rule of 40 was first introduced by venture capitalist and entrepreneur, Bill Gurley in 2015. He observed that many SaaS businesses were focusing too much on growth and neglecting to achieve profitability, which was ultimately leading to the downfall of many of these companies.

The Basic Formula

The formula for the Rule of 40 is simple:

  • Growth Rate + Profit Margin = 40%

For example, if a SaaS company has a growth rate of 50% and a profit margin of -10%, its Rule of 40 score would be 40% (50% + (-10%) = 40%).

Why the Rule of 40 Matters in SaaS

The Rule of 40 matters because it ensures that SaaS businesses are not sacrificing long-term success for short-term gains. By focusing solely on growth, a SaaS company may acquire lots of customers quickly but fail to retain them due to poor customer experience or product quality. Also, a business that emphasizes profits over growth may miss out on opportunities to build market share and develop new products.

The Importance of Balancing Growth and Profitability

While growth and profitability are both crucial to the success of a SaaS business, they can often be at odds with each other. That's because investments in growth, such as marketing and sales, tend to be costly upfront and may not generate profit immediately. On the other hand, efforts to boost profitability, such as increasing prices or reducing expenses, may limit a company's ability to grow quickly.

The Trade-off Between Growth and Profit

The trade-off between growth and profitability is a common challenge for SaaS companies. If a business focuses too much on growth, it may burn through cash and fail to become profitable. However, if a company prioritizes profitability above all else, it may miss out on valuable growth opportunities.

How the Rule of 40 Helps Achieve Balance

The Rule of 40 encourages SaaS businesses to strike a balance between growth and profitability. By setting a benchmark score of 40%, it forces companies to think more strategically about their investments in growth and focus on generating and retaining profitable customers.

The Role of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a critical metric for achieving the Rule of 40. CLV measures the total amount of revenue a customer generates for a business over their lifetime. By prioritizing customer acquisition and retention strategies that increase CLV, SaaS companies can simultaneously drive growth and profitability.

Applying the Rule of 40 in Your SaaS Business

Now that we understand what the Rule of 40 is and why it matters, let's explore how you can apply it to your SaaS business.

Assessing Your Current Performance

The first step is to assess your current performance against the Rule of 40. Calculate your growth rate and profit margin, and add them together to get your Rule of 40 score. If your score is below 40%, it indicates that you need to focus more on profitability, while a score above 40% suggests that you can afford to invest more in growth.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Once you've evaluated your performance, the next step is to identify areas for improvement. You may need to adjust your pricing strategy, reduce expenses, or optimize your sales and marketing funnel to achieve a higher profit margin. Alternatively, you may need to invest in product development, customer acquisition, or retention strategies to boost your growth rate.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Finally, it's essential to set realistic goals and expectations based on your business model, market conditions, and available resources. The Rule of 40 is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one SaaS business may not be suitable for another. Therefore, take the time to evaluate your unique circumstances and develop a plan that aligns with your long-term vision for success.

Limitations and Criticisms of the Rule of 40

While the Rule of 40 is a valuable tool for evaluating the health of a SaaS business, it has its limitations and criticisms.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach

The Rule of 40 assumes that all SaaS businesses should aim for a balance between growth and profitability. However, some startups may prioritize growth over profitability to achieve market dominance, while others may focus on profitability to ensure long-term sustainability.

Variability in SaaS Business Models

The Rule of 40 also fails to account for differences in SaaS business models. For example, a B2B SaaS business with long-term contracts and high switching costs may have a lower growth rate than a B2C SaaS business with low customer acquisition costs but higher churn rates. Therefore, companies need to evaluate their specific business models and adjust their strategies accordingly.

The Rule of 40 in Different Stages of Business Growth

Finally, the Rule of 40 is more applicable to mature SaaS businesses than early-stage startups. In the early stages, many SaaS companies prioritize growth over profitability to gain market share and validate their product-market fit. Therefore, younger companies may benefit more from alternative metrics focused on validating their product and market potential.


The Rule of 40 is a useful tool for achieving a balance between growth and profitability in the SaaS industry. By aiming for a minimum Rule of 40 score of 40%, companies can prioritize both growth and profitability and increase their chances of long-term success. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that the Rule of 40 is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be adapted to each company's unique circumstances and goals.

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